Ezra, a delightful creation by Charlie Bears, is a teddy bear of undeniable charm and charisma. With a plush coat as soft as a cloud and a winsome expression that radiates warmth, Ezra is a beloved addition to any collection. His fur, a blend of rich browns, beckons to be touched and cuddled, inviting comfort and companionship. Every stitch of Ezra’s design is crafted with care, ensuring a quality companion for those seeking solace and joy. Whether perched proudly among a display or cradled gently in loving arms, Ezra brings a touch of magic and whimsy to any setting, promising endless moments of delight and affection.
- Recommended for ages over 3 years.
- Dragon Height: 38cm
Charlie Bears is a renowned brand known for its exceptional craftsmanship and enchanting teddy bears. Limited in Production and lovingly made by hand, each bear has their own unique characteristics and that is why only Charlie Bears are known as the bears with personalities.
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